A swimming pool has seven basic components – basin, motorised pump, water filter, chemical feeder, drains, return lines and pipes connecting them all. For a pool to work, the water should continuously pump from the pool to the filter, where it will be treated, then back to the pool.This cycle keeps the water free from debris, bacteria and dirt.

PVC (polyvinyl chloride) pipes are commonly used in a pool plumbing system while chlorine is the number one choice for sanitising the water pool. But these are just the fundamentals, each type of pool has different mechanisms. Above ground pools, fiber glass pools, in-ground pools and concrete pools are some of the most common types.

Draining the Water

Normally, pools have drains at the lowest part of the basin, which is essential for draining the pool and for drawing pool water through the water filter. An anti-vortex cover is also installed, not only to prevent a vortex to occur at the point where the water drains, but also to prevent people from getting their hair or limbs get sucked and stuck in the drain.

Pools are even equipped with a skimmer, which circulate pool water through the filter, skimming the surface of the water and removing floating debris while it draws water from the surface.

Pumping the Water

Filtering capability goes hand in hand with pump system for swimming pools.From the various drains through the piping, the pump sucks pool water.The water is then pumped through the filter, goes through chemical treatment, in through the heater and back to the pool.

Before the flowing through the pump, water passes through a strainer that catches the leaves and other large debris, since the pump is not designed to handle solids. The strainer prevents the clogging up of the pump and is usually plastic or stainless steel to prohibit rust.

Pool Plumbing Maintenance

Filters and chemical treatment are important to keep pools from being contaminated. One of the most widely used types of filters is the sand filter. This kind of filter consists of a large tank (usually concrete, fiberglass, or metal) and a thick bed of special sand which catches any dirt or debris from the dirty water that are not filtered by the strainer. Aside from sand, other types of filters also employ other materials.